MY STORY | Emma Bowman - Posing & Fitness Coach


The beginning

I had always been fit to some degree throughout my adult life, but my weight yo-yoed due to bad habits and swung between slim to slightly overweight constantly. I was so unhappy and disappointed in myself. I was the typical ‘cardio bunny’ at the gym, constantly chasing down calories I consumed from poor diet, through endless cardio classes, sometimes back to back. I would often starve myself for an event coming up and then resort to the binge/guilt cycle once more. I was addicted to sugar, had no self-confidence, body image issues and anxiety as a result.

I never saw any change to my body for all the time I was putting into it. I did cardio because I ‘had to’ not because I wanted to. My focus was purely on image and not at all on health.

Along with eating and anxiety issues, I had years of IVF, pumping myself full of hormones and drugs to finally give birth to my 3 beautiful children, all 2 years apart. My body and the years of stress it had endured, deserved to be back to its pre-baby state, but this time, I needed to achieve it the healthy and sustainable way. I began to look at my body, my diet and fitness in a different way. I wanted to be strong, both mentally and physically; healthy and capable not only for the sake of myself, but that of my children. My inspiration was right there…

So, it began. Enough was enough, something had to change. The switch was flicked! I extensively researched training techniques… I chanced it, and so, I lifted. I became strong… I gained confidence. I researched diet and macros..I instantly saw results. I felt like I had discovered an amazing secret that so many women were yet to attempt to try.

Lifting and eating in a way to gain muscle, remain lean and decrease fat has been a game changer for me. I have never looked or felt better. I want to help others by sharing my experience. I want to help change your lives using the techniques I used to change mine. There is nothing more fulfilling to me than hearing I can help or inspire someone to live a healthier and happier lifestyle through finding a passion in fitness and health. This is a lifestyle, not a quick fix.

If I can do this, you can too.


In seeing such quick results and my sudden surge of dedication into this lifestyle, I began to think about competing. Never did I believe I would have the confidence to stand on a stage in next to nothing when I wouldn’t even wear bathers at the local pool! But, I took a risk. I challenged myself and reaped the rewards.

I have been highly successful in my years of competition. I have had numerous wins and placings, culminating in winning 3 Pro Cards with two federations. This has allowed me to compete at a professional level and is the ultimate goal for many aspiring bodybuilders.

As a result of my Pro Card wins, I have represented Australia internationally. In 2016 I flew to the the USA for the World Fitness Federation (WFF) Universe competition where I stood among the world’s best fitness bodies.

I have won national and local amateur divisions such as 2017 Rookie of the Year, Fitness Momma, Over 30’S, First Timer, Novice and Open in the ICN, WFF and INBA Bodybuilding Federations.

In 2017 I competed in Thailand the federation, ‘I Compete Natural’ (ICN). It was here I won my first World Title in the the Pro line up as the Sports Model Southern Universe World Champion!

In 2018 I again entered this competition and walked away with another World Title, as the 2018 Southern Universe World Fitness Champion!

In 2019 I set new physique goals and moved federations to the biggest and best in the world, the IFBB PRO LEAGUE.

After winning the Bikini Overall State Championship with IFBB PRO LEAGUE (NPC) as a trifecta over 3 years and National wins, I finally achieved my hardest goal of my competing career. In 2022 I won my Pro Card in bikini division!

I have since competed as a Professional athlete in Japan and continue to set higher goals now to one day reach the prestigious Olympia!

                                                                                               MY PASSION

My passion now lies not only with competing and living a healthy lifestyle, but in transforming other peoples lives. Becoming a fitness and nutrition coach has allowed me to pass on my experience and knowledge through training practices, nutrition knowledge and positive mindset work. I work closely with general population who are lost and need direction to regain control of their body and nutrition.

For those who wish to compete, I provide them the skills needed to stand on a bodybuilding stage, incorporating customised training, nutrition and posing routines. My expertise and attention to detail in posing has led to 7 client pro cards and numerous overall wins for my fitness, bikini and sports model women.

Let me help you learn how to make a positive move in the right direction for your health and mindset. If it’s lifestyle, competition coaching or posing instruction you are seeking, I would love to help. I am approachable and genuine and most of all passionate about what I do. I promise to be there for you along the way 24/7. Take the chance to try something new… you won’t regret it!


CERT 3/4 Personal trainer

CERT 5 Accredited/insured Nutritionist (Nutrition Council of Australia

Level 1/2 Sport Nutritionist

Level 1/2 Performance Trainer

Courses include/not limited to:The art of Reverse Dieting,Training the Performance Athlete,The art of Gen Pop Transformations/Reverse diet

Theta Healing Certification

Level 1 Hypopressive Trainer

First Aid