Stronger than ever, body and mind | Emma Bowman - Posing & Fitness Coach

This woman is TRUE INSPIRATION. It shows you… anyone can overcome adversity through never giving up! I’m blown away by this lady ??? This is her story written to me:

“2001: Diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis
2002-2003: bedridden – completely reliant on my then husband to take me to the bathroom. Used toilet seat raisers and shower chairs and grab rails.
2003: found a medication that worked!! Pain significantly reduced but also significant damage done to knees and hip joints while in the uncontrolled flare stage of the autoimmune condition.
2005: Had my son – I weighed 110kg by the time he was born due to prednisolone and fluid and food!
2006: Had my daughter – I again weighed 110kg by the time she was born
2009: Found my husband had been cheating and that the burden of my sickness had taken a toll on him and our relationship so we separated.
2010: Started a new relationship
2011: total right hip replacement due to the mechanical damage done to my hip with arthritis
2015: My brother removed me from a violent, abusive relationship with second partner that I wasn’t strong enough to leave on my own.
2016: Joined a gym to try and rebuild my confidence and physical strength after feeling completely beaten down to nothing by ex partners. I had no idea what to do there, felt completely overwhelmed and intimidated. I felt like a complete fraud in the gym. I would walk in with my head down, find the cardio machine closest to the wall, do 45 mins then leave with my head down.
2017:was skin and bone and not enough strength to stand upright for any length of time.
2017:contacted Emma.. I was scared, excited and petrified. I had never gone over to the weights side of the gym. I bought a hat, pulled it low, and began the program. I was shaking like a leaf with no weights even on the bar, like a baby giraffe learning to walk! I would go early in the morning to avoid people until I felt more confident and it was in these early hours I met other early birds…one of them is a BIG guy who I used to feel intimidated by, but now we chat all the time! My initial goal was to feel good in a bikini holiday…now, its on long term health and strength! Despite my permanent scars, I can do this now and I know I can! I guess I just wanted you to know so if you ever doubt yourself as a coach or if someone tries to bring you down I hope you remember what you have done for me and how you have absolutely changed my life in the short time you have been in it.”