Aug 24, 2018
4 week transformation! Yes you heard it..4 weeks! This client has stuck to the customized training and nutrition, dropped substantial body fat, tightened and toned but most importantly, regaied that lost confidence and mojo. Sometimes things in our life derail us and we lose our focus. Its important to recognize that, reach out and find help. Congrats girl!
Aug 24, 2018
Tams 6 month transformation to build up lagging body parts for a better stage result! Tam is a truly dedicated client who did her off season RIGHT. Coming to me early enough for us to build her muscle through a tailored nutrition and training program, she made considerable difference in 6 months. Bigger glutes, a stronger core and overall stronger, tighter and bigger package than last. I kept Tams calories as high as possible for the duration of her prep, no cardio and 2 cheat meals included throughout her off season. A true athlete, we hit her harder 4 weeks out and BAM! Results speak for themselves. Love working with fit mums and with clients who live and breathe the 3 core principals of success, DEDICATION, DETERMINATION and DISCIPLINE!
Aug 24, 2018
Coming to me only a short time before her competition date, this busy mum does a lot of international travel and works so hard. We managed to drop over 4.5 kg in 2 months and customise her training so she trained smarter. Results speak for themselves. She has successfully stuck with her reverse diet post comp, bringing her calorie range up higher than ever and not putting on excess body fat. Well done to this incredible sports model!
Aug 23, 2018
Client transformation over 12 weeks on my lifestyle programming. Being an office worker and having never lifted weights, she has now completely changed her body composition and lifestyle. By INCREASING her calories and working off tailored macros to fit her own body composition she is able to now MAINTAIN a healthy and stronger body. Here’s what she has to say..
“I’m happy to say that I reached my goal weight! Thank you so much for your support & encouragement throughout the past 12 weeks. I couldn’t have achieved these results without your detailed program. I highly recommend it to everyone that wants to change their lives to a healthier and happier lifestyle. Love you babe.”
So proud of this mum and her trusting the process 100%
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