Reverse Diet Program | Emma Bowman - Posing & Fitness Coach

Reverse Diet Program

$110.00 + GST / week for 10 weeks and a $250.00 sign-up fee



  • For those who have competed, post weight loss journey or been stuck on low calories through long term dieting which has caused the down regulation of your metabolism, now is your time to reach for support and regain HEALTH
  • Giving control back over eating habits, ridding ‘food fear’ while keeping body fat to a minimum
  • Structured plan to build calories back up over a controlled and well managed timeframe through what is known as a reverse/recovery diet
  • Once fully ‘reversed’ with a high functioning metabolism, to place you in a better position to sustainably loose weight, maintain a healthy weight and/or to hit new fitness, strength and health goals
  • I will review your previous and current calories, physical output and duration of low calories in order to set your customised program tailored to you.
  • Track your progress on the client app, view your macros and or meal plan and log results of your weigh ins, measurements and body pics
  • Options of customised meal plans and or a flexible approach so you are educated on HOW to eat, support your mental health and maintain your results
  • Include foods which are family friendly, healthy and nutritious to keep you feeling FULL and HEALTHY
  • Weekly online/ Face Time ‘check ins’ with diet adjustments as needed to increase calories back to healthy, sustainable levels. Reverse dieting takes close monitoring so the programming will be adjusted accordingly
  • Training advice at check ins, for you to undertake yourself, to compliment the nutrition
  • Exclusive invitation to Team Face Book group support, engagement, mindset tips and team activities
  • Weekly payment plan ($360 sign up), weekly payment over 10 week program with option of extension for further management.