| Emma Bowman - Posing & Fitness Coach


I had always been fit to some degree throughout my adult life, but my weight yo-yoed due to bad habits and swung between slim to slightly overweight constantly. I was so unhappy and disappointed in myself. I was the typical ‘cardio bunny’ at the gym. I was constantly chasing down my calories I had consumed from my poor diet through endless cardio classes, sometimes back to back. I would often starve myself for an event and then resort to the binge/guilt cycle once more. I was addicted to sugar, had no self-confidence, body image issues and anxiety as a result.


I had always been fit to some degree throughout my adult life, but my weight yo-yoed due to bad habits and swung between slim to slightly overweight constantly. I was so unhappy and disappointed in myself. I was the typical ‘cardio bunny’ at the gym. I was constantly chasing down my calories I had consumed from my poor diet through endless cardio classes, sometimes back to back. I would often starve myself for an event and then resort to the binge/guilt cycle once more. I was addicted to sugar, had no self-confidence, body image issues and anxiety as a result.

Body reshaping through exercise and nutrition

This gorgeous client is now eating more, training with weights instead of cardio and has completely reshaped her midline. This pic is on 8 weeks in to her 12 week program. Look at that waist!

Strong shapes for this sports model competitor

Yaz has competed as a bikini athlete before. This time, prepping with me, we built her up over 6 months which covered her 'off season' as well as the shred phase for stage. The aim was to bring her more shape for the Sports Model division. We have built up her back, legs and glutes to give her more of a muscular look. She is such a hard worker in the gym and has put in 110% and more to her customised training and nutrition. So excited to see her hit this division.

Longer comp prep is key

Currently working to build up her physique for stage, we are changing body composition for LEAN GAINS! Down 2.25kg in 4 weeks but also incorporating heavy lifting at rep and sets to BUILD muscle. Looking forward to seeing what this girl can bring to stage 2019!

Full time mum and shift worker

How did we reach way beyond her bodyweight goals? We ditched the refined sugar, I calculated macros to fit her physique and goals and she stuck to the tailored training program 100% all in 12 weeks! Dropping at least 3 dress sizes, loving the food and feeling accomplished! So while she's currently lazing about confidently in her new bikini in Bali right now, a goal she had set at the start, its safe to say...that her new active ways will now be her lifestyle from here on out. Congrats girl, so proud of you!

Overcoming obstacles

Holly has overcome more than most...but no matter what, her continued drive and focus for improving her health has turned her life around. Being a young mum and only just having her 2nd baby 14 weeks prior, Holly came to me for help. Battling chronic illness and disabilities has never been an excuse for Holly and I am astounded at her dedication. With a long term goal of competing, Holly has shed over 16kg in 12 weeks with me. Not only this but her new found confidence and loosing the 'overweight' tag has been revolutionary. She is now smiling and has extended her life expectancy through putting her health first for the sake of herself and her beautiful family. Through tailoring her training and nutrition to suit her medical conditions, we continue to see incredible results.

Bikini and sportsmodel building

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Post baby #3

This is 8 weeks of dedication to training and nutrition for this busy working mum of 3 little ones! So proud of how far she has come in such a short amount of time. Tailoring her training to cater for a chronic back injury and also considering the weakness through her core after only having baby number 3 a short time ago! "Absolutely love the program and the results I achieved. I'm really focused to get back on board and smash out another 12 weeks!"

Full time worker, stud manager, professional equestrian and now bodybuilder!

Tania contacted me after she decided to finally put her health first! Being so busy with her horses and full time shift work, bad habits had crept in over the years. Now, she has a new found love of the gym and easily finds time to incorporate healthy eating and training into her hectic days. Training for her now is a much needed stress relief and confidence booster. Tania has written beautiful words to me throughout her program: "My success is all because of you babe! I was so stuck and kept watching your inspirational posts on FB and how you were changing lives. You are a super woman. You have turned me around. I'm forever thankful...I cant wait to smash out some more goals!!" "my friends have noticed changes in me... I now have 2 friends that have started 'gym life' from my transformation! The flow on affect is amazing! One is 6 weeks pot baby and I'm so proud of her! All thanks to...

Finding fitness!

Client transformation over 12 weeks on my lifestyle programming. Being an office worker and having never lifted weights, she has now completely changed her body composition and lifestyle. By INCREASING her calories and working off tailored macros to fit her own body composition she is able to now MAINTAIN a healthy and stronger body. Here's what she has to say.. "I'm happy to say that I reached my goal weight! Thank you so much for your support & encouragement throughout the past 12 weeks. I couldn't have achieved these results without your detailed program. I highly recommend it to everyone that wants to change their lives to a healthier and happier lifestyle. Love you babe." So proud of this mum and her trusting the process 100%

Stronger than ever, body and mind

More than just a CLIENT 8 WEEK MIND AND BODY TRANSFORMATION?? . This woman is TRUE INSPIRATION. It shows you... anyone can overcome adversity through never giving up! I’m blown away by this lady ??? This is her story written to me: "2001: Diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis 2002-2003: bedridden - completely reliant on my then husband to take me to the bathroom. Used toilet seat raisers and shower chairs and grab rails. 2003: found a medication that worked!! Pain significantly reduced but also significant damage done to knees and hip joints while in the uncontrolled flare stage of the autoimmune condition. 2005: Had my son - I weighed 110kg by the time he was born due to prednisolone and fluid and food! 2006: Had my daughter - I again weighed 110kg by the time she was born 2009: Found my husband had been cheating and that the burden of my sickness had taken a toll on him and our...

Bringing back confidence and mojo!

4 week transformation! Yes you heard it..4 weeks! This client has stuck to the customized training and nutrition, dropped substantial body fat, tightened and toned but most importantly, regaied that lost confidence and mojo. Sometimes things in our life derail us and we lose our focus. Its important to recognize that, reach out and find help. Congrats girl!

Building fitness models

Tams 6 month transformation to build up lagging body parts for a better stage result! Tam is a truly dedicated client who did her off season RIGHT. Coming to me early enough for us to build her muscle through a tailored nutrition and training program, she made considerable difference in 6 months. Bigger glutes, a stronger core and overall stronger, tighter and bigger package than last. I kept Tams calories as high as possible for the duration of her prep, no cardio and 2 cheat meals included throughout her off season. A true athlete, we hit her harder 4 weeks out and BAM! Results speak for themselves. Love working with fit mums and with clients who live and breathe the 3 core principals of success, DEDICATION, DETERMINATION and DISCIPLINE!

Comp prep, eating more, training smarter

Coming to me only a short time before her competition date, this busy mum does a lot of international travel and works so hard. We managed to drop over 4.5 kg in 2 months and customise her training so she trained smarter. Results speak for themselves. She has successfully stuck with her reverse diet post comp, bringing her calorie range up higher than ever and not putting on excess body fat. Well done to this incredible sports model!

Finding fitness

Client transformation over 12 weeks on my lifestyle programming. Being an office worker and having never lifted weights, she has now completely changed her body composition and lifestyle. By INCREASING her calories and working off tailored macros to fit her own body composition she is able to now MAINTAIN a healthy and stronger body. Here's what she has to say.. "I'm happy to say that I reached my goal weight! Thank you so much for your support & encouragement throughout the past 12 weeks. I couldn't have achieved these results without your detailed program. I highly recommend it to everyone that wants to change their lives to a healthier and happier lifestyle. Love you babe." So proud of this mum and her trusting the process 100%

Building muscle for stage

Comp prep OFF SEASON done the RIGHT way! Tam came to me EARLY and wanting to make serious gains in her OFF SEASON! She's been given a specific training program to work on the areas she needs to for Fitness Model. We have increased her calories to an amount that would make a grown man cry, and she is KILLING it! Sitting on around 2400 and SMASHING her training, this is 8 weeks worth of GAINS for stage. I can't wait to start shredding her down SLOWLY for comp season 2018! So so proud of this #fitmum and her trusting the process 100%. ??

Strength gains!!

6 week client progress from Zsuzsi, a member of Team Emma Bowman! She has made significant strength gains by sticking to her training program and finding a love and passion for the healthy lifestyle. Following my customised training and nutrition LIFESTYLE program she's been PUTTING IN THE WORK and is reaping the rewards! Proud of this girl?

Dedication, Determination, Discipline & Delts!

It's not all about weight loss... and it's not all about the outside transformation either. My incredibly dedicated client Kati changing her mindset, trusting the process, eating MORE and gaining MUSCLE for a STRONGER, HEALTHIER physique. Kati came to me underweight and wanting to gain muscle... so, I upped her macros according to her goals and customised her nutrition and training lifestyle program TO HER. No cookie cutting programs here??Check out her delt gain in 4 weeks ?? !!! So proud of this girl who always PUTS IN THE WORK! Check out her comments below...x

Age is just a number

Kasia's 12 week transformation! Coming to me after falling ill with Ross River Virus, her aim was to increase lean muscle, tone up and drop body fat. Look at her now 3 months later! In following my training and nutrition advice, customised to her dietary requirements and macro calculations for her goals, she has transformed her body through consistent dedication, determination and discipline. Look at that booty lift?? ! PROOF age is just a number.

BEFORE & AFTER – 4 week challenge

Check out these changes achieved in 4 weeks! Through sticking to her customised training and eating plan, this beautiful Team Emma Bowman client and Mum, is SMASHING her goals! We have managed to remodel her body through specific training techniques and finding the RIGHT macros to suit her needs. She is now eating MORE food than ever has toned her physique and even reduced the appearance of cellulite on her thighs! She is learning how to let go of past food fears and finding life/health balance through LEARNING how to manage her intake and exercise output.


PROUD COACH ALERT! Check out my incredible client @sarahwoofwoof 12 week comp prep transformation! Waist, thighs, shoulders, glutes, back... we improved her whole package and all done with keeping her calories as HIGH as we could through the 'comp shred' process with SMART macro management, a customised training plan and 24/7 support! LEAN GAINS BABY!!! Super excited to see her hit the @icn_sa stage in 2 weeks time! Even prouder to say she's part of TEAM EMMA BOWMAN and has stuck to the 3 core principles of everything I stand for, DEDICATION, DETERMINATION and DISCIPLINE through POSITIVE MINDSET and management, you WILL get RESULTS! Well done Sarah!


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Through dedication, determination & discipline, you can achieve anything.


To find out more about me and how I can help you, please contact me via the following:

EMAIL: coachemmab@hotmail.com

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