I had always been fit to some degree throughout my adult life, but my weight yo-yoed due to bad habits and swung between slim to slightly overweight constantly. I was so unhappy and disappointed in myself. I was the typical ‘cardio bunny’ at the gym. I was constantly chasing down my calories I had consumed from my poor diet through endless cardio classes, sometimes back to back. I would often starve myself for an event and then resort to the binge/guilt cycle once more. I was addicted to sugar, had no self-confidence, body image issues and anxiety as a result.
I had always been fit to some degree throughout my adult life, but my weight yo-yoed due to bad habits and swung between slim to slightly overweight constantly. I was so unhappy and disappointed in myself. I was the typical ‘cardio bunny’ at the gym. I was constantly chasing down my calories I had consumed from my poor diet through endless cardio classes, sometimes back to back. I would often starve myself for an event and then resort to the binge/guilt cycle once more. I was addicted to sugar, had no self-confidence, body image issues and anxiety as a result.
Reverse Diet Program
$110.00 + GST / week for 10 weeks and a $250.00 sign-up fee -
Lifestyle Program Nutrition
$55.00 + GST / week for 12 weeks and a $305.00 sign-up fee -
Lifestyle Program Training and Nutrition
$94.16 + GST / week for 12 weeks and a $265.84 sign-up fee -
Pro Pose Team
$141.50 + GST / week for 20 weeks and a $228.50 sign-up fee -
Pro Comp Team
From: $148.38 + GST / week for 52 weeks and a $211.62 sign-up fee
Through dedication, determination & discipline, you can achieve anything.
To find out more about me and how I can help you, please contact me via the following: